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중2 영어 동아윤 5과 Be smart with your smartphones 본문 어법선택 PDF

by 벨라 Teacher 2023. 9. 16.

중2 영어 동아윤 5과 본문

Be smart with your smartphones 어법 선택문제파일입니다 :)

필요하신 선생님들께 도움이 됐으면 좋겠습니다 ^^


중2 동아윤 5과 본문 어법선택.pdf
중2 동아윤 5과 본문 어법선택.pdf

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편의를 위해 두 개를 업로드 한 것이니 착오없으시길 바랍니다!


중2 영어 동아윤 5과 본문 Be smart with your smartphones 어법 선택문제




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Lesson 5 . Be smart with your smartphones!


(Live / Living) without smartphones (is / are) difficult (to / for) many of us these (day / days).

However, unwise or too (much / many) (use / uses) of smartphones can (cause / causes) various problems.

Are you a smombie?

All over the (world / worlds), people are (walk / walking) around like zombies.

(They / Their) heads are down, and their eyes are (to / on) their smartphones.

We call such people (to / X) smombies, smartphone zombies.

If you (X / are) a smombie, you can have various safety problems.

You (not may / may not) (see / to see) a hole in the street,

so you (will / may) fall and (got / get) hurt.

You may get (in / into) a car accident, too.

So what (can you / you can) do (preventing / to prevent) these (problem / problems)?

It’s simple.

Do not look (at / to / for) your smartphone while you (walk / walking / are walking)!

Do you have dry eyes or text neck?

Smartphones can cause various health problems.

(One / Another) example is (dry / drying) eyes.

When you look (at / to / for) your smartphone, you do not (blink often / often blink).

Then your eyes will feel (dry / dried / like dry).

(The other / Another) problem you can have (is / are / X) neck pain.

When you look (down at / at down) your smartphone, the stress (in / on) your neck (increase / increases).

Too much (use / uses) of your smartphone, for example, too much (text / texting), can cause neck pain.

We call this (to / X) text neck. Here are some tips for these problems.

For dry eyes, try (to blink / blinking) often.

For text neck, move your smartphone (up to / to up) your eye level.

You can also do some neck (stretch / stretching) (exercise / exercises).

How do you feel when you don’t have your smartphone with you?

Do you feel (like / X) nervous when your smartphone is not around?

Do you feel (like / X) sad when you (check / to check) your smartphone and there (is / are) no text message?

If your (answers / answering) (is / are) “yes,” you may (has / have) smartphone (addict / addiction).

There are various (thing / things) you can do (preventing / to prevent) this.

For example, turn off your smartphone (while / during) meals or (meets / meetings).

You can talk (to / X) people instead (of / for) (text / texting) them.
