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Cat’s like & dislike

by 벨라 Teacher 2023. 3. 16.

I've been living with my cat for years, but I still don't know what he thinks.
I really want to know when the animal translator will be invented.

If it comes out, I want to buy it first.

Cats are known for their independent and unique personalities, which can vary from one individual to another.

However, there are certain behaviors that most cats tend to like and dislike.

Let's learn about them today and get all the love from cats.

Plz. Look at my baby.

Behaviors that cats like

1. Playtime

Most cats enjoy playtime and interactive toys that simulate prey, such as feather wands or laser pointers.

Play is essential for a cat's physical and mental health, as it helps them exercise, release pent-up energy, and relieve stress.

2. Grooming

Cats are naturally clean animals and usually spend a lot of time grooming themselves.

Many cats also enjoy being brushed or petted by their owners as a form of affection and bonding.

3. Sunbathing

Cats are known for their love of warmth and sunshine.

They often seek out sunny spots to nap or bask in the sun's rays, which can also provide them with much-needed vitamin D.

4. High places

Cats are climbers by nature and enjoy being up high, whether it's on a windowsill, bookshelf, or cat tree.

Being up high allows them to survey their territory and feel safe and secure.

5. Quiet time

Although cats are often active and playful, they also appreciate quiet time to relax and recharge.

This may involve finding a cozy spot to curl up and nap, away from noise and disturbances.

There are dots on his feet. It is unbelievable. It's too cute.

Behaviors that cats dislike

1. Loud noises

Cats have sensitive hearing and can be easily startled by loud or sudden noises,

such as vacuum cleaners, fireworks, or thunderstorms.

This can cause them to become anxious or fearful.

2. Crowded spaces

Cats are territorial animals and prefer to have their own space to relax and retreat to.

They may become stressed or agitated if they are forced to share a small space with other cats or people.

3. Rough handling

Cats are not fond of being handled roughly or picked up improperly.

They prefer to be approached gently and given time to sniff and investigate before being petted or picked up.

4. Strong scents

Cats have a highly developed sense of smell and may become upset or agitated by strong or unfamiliar odors,

such as perfumes, cleaning products, or certain foods.

5. Inconsistent routines

Cats thrive on routine and can become stressed or anxious

if their daily routines are disrupted.

This may include changes in feeding schedules,

litter box placement, or playtime routines.

Now we are ready to be loved by cats.

Thanks for reading and Have a nice day with your furry buddy.
